Registration Form Kingdom SC 2020/2021 Player Registration Website Contact
Kingdom SC 2020/2021 Player Registration


  • The first step in securing and accepting your spot on the Kingdom SC team is to pay your club fees at

  • Once you have paid for your spot then you must complete your registration here.

  • Follow all directions carefully in order to complete all of the necessary paperwork.

    Please Note: If you already have a username and password for GotSoccer, please use them to login and register; this will ensure your player/parent information is maintained. If more than one family member is registering for a team then you must register each player. DO NOT create a new user if you are merely registering with a different club than last season.

    Kingdom Kids 501C3 is here to support kids that want to play soccer but need financial assistance to do so. If you would like to make a donation or learn more about Kingdom Kids, please visit
  • New Users
    Family Registration - New Account
    Individual Users - New Account
    If you are new to the GotSport system, enter your desired username and password below and an account will be created for you.
    Date of Birth   (MM/dd/yyyy)
    Player First Name
    Player Last Name
    Create a Username
    Create a Password
    Confirm Password
        Registered Users
    Family Registration - Existing Family Account
    Important: You must create a new player account for each individual player. Create a Family Account to manage multiple player accounts.

    Individual Users - Existing Account
    Enter your Account Username & Password below:
    Forgotten your username or password?
    Player Password Lookup
    Important: Cookies must be enabled in your browser in order to register or apply. Most websites require cookies in order to identify you over the internet. We do not store any personal information about you in the cookie. A randomly generated number is used so the server will remember you from one page to the next while you enter information in the online forms, and then this cookie is discarded when you close your browser.

    If you are not sure what cookies are or how to adjust the privacy settings on your browser, we recommend you use the default settings.